In a nutshell, Class Dojo is a FREE online tool that allows teachers to give or take away points to students. But honestly, it's so much more! Class Dojo has a website and a free app! So there's options for everybody!
How it works:
The teacher creates an account and adds students. Each student is given a little monster character and can be changed at anytime!
App View
Website View
Students earn positive points for positive behaviors and negative points for negative behaviors. These behaviors are fully customizable so they fit your classroom needs!One of the great features, is that it timestamps each point given/taken so you have documentation!
On the website, you also have the ability to view and print a variety of reports! You can sort by time, student, etc. Parents also get a weekly email of their child's report.
Speaking of parents, the ability of parents to connect to Class Dojo is probably my favorite feature. Parents can use the website or app to sign up as a parent with a special code you send them. They then have access to see their child's behavior at anytime! It also has a great messaging system that allows you to communicate individually to parents or as a group!!
Class Dojo Stories are kind of like a Facebook wall. Where you can post updates, photos, and videos for the class to see. There is a class story for everyone to see plus each student has his or her own story!
I've just started doing this and it's already a huge hit with parents!!
For your goals, you should explore some hihgster software at this page for behavior management help