Celebrating the End of Testing!

Hello again! It's Anna from Hanging with Mrs. Hulsey! It probably seemed as though the days after testing would never come-- or perhaps it came far too quickly? But I thought I'd share some fun ways to celebrate with your students after state testing!
Raffle Ticket Rewards
One thing I love doing to motivate my students during test prep and testing is to hand out raffle tickets. I try to give students tickets for various reasons: correct answers, positive attitude, effort, showing their work on scratch paper (you get the idea). This is a really simple reward system! Students write their names on the ticket and put it into a bucket. At the end of each day I draw out 3-4 student names and they get a small reward.
I have used various items for rewards-- try to keep it cheap or free-- so items like reward scratchers, reward coupons, pieces of candy, jar of bubbles, play-doh containers, and seasonal pencils or erasers. Students won't care how much money you spend-- they will just be stoked to win!

Ice-Cream Reward Party
I know not everyone will be huge on this one-- it will depend on your school's food policies. But, I love to hang up these ice-cream reward coloring pages (1 per student)-- and every day of testing students have the opportunity to earn pieces of an ice-cream sundae.
So one day they may earn the spoon and bowl, and the next day they earn the ice-cream, then the toppings. I base this solely on effort since it takes awhile for our scores to arrive. Students always try their hardest for this simple reward! You can ask for donations from local businesses, PTA, or even parents if you don't want to spend all the money yourself.
I like to hang these coloring pages on a bulletin board and make a display!

Give out Brag Tags and Super Notes! 
After testing is over I love to give my students a brag tag-- it will help them remember how they worked so hard and finished their test! This one says "I survived testing!" (the link to these are at the end of the post)
I also love to send home "super notes"! Simply focus on something you felt the student did well and send this note home on a piece of bright paper! Click HERE or on the picture below to get access to my FREE resource library and a FREE copy of these notes!

What Should I Teach Now???
The last thing you may be asking yourself is... what now? Perhaps you still have topics to cover-- or perhaps your students are ready to move on to some basic 4th grade materials! Here are a few more ideas:

  • Have a STEM day! 
  • Do some "Mystery Science"
  • Focus on unfinished science or social studies standards
  • Have a "Fun in the Sun" day! (some may call this a field day)
  • Do some whole class reward coupons and put them in balloons or a punch board!
  • Complete an "Escape the Classroom"
  • Set up a themed classroom! (Think: Camp Read-a-Lot, Harry Potter, Etc.)
  • Have a "book tasting" and sample different types of literature
What are some things you like to do with your class after testing is over? Please share in the comments! 

If you are interested in my complete testing reward packet you can find it HERE in my Teachers Pay Teachers store!

Thank you for reading! Hope you gleaned some amazing ideas for your own room! 

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